Hello from beautiful Montana
© Judy H. Wright aka Auntie
Artichoke, family relationship coach and author
Are you more stressed than
usual? Frustrated with life? Are you afraid and scared about the future? Do you
find yourself getting more annoyed with the children and coworkers?
It is easy to be grateful
when your needs are being met, but what about when you are stressed and
worried? Keep reading because I have a
few ideas to share about feeling more connected with your spirit and keeping your
feelings peaceful.
As a parent educator and
family relationship coach, I work with families just like yours and mine all
over the world. When I asked
participants in my parenting classes what they do when they are angry or
stressed, they say they yell, swear, throw a shoe or other object or threaten
their kids with a punishment.
Anger is a basic human
emotion. It is necessary to help us make changes in our lives. But anger
is only one letter away from danger. It is dangerous to use emotions to force
others into submission or to vent rage on people or things. It does no good long term.
Underlying Emotions to Anger
Many times what we are
angry at has nothing to do with the child or his behavior. It is only a handy
scapegoat. Unfortunately, the child
assumes that when you are angry or stressed that it is directly related to him
or her, because of their limited experience with the outside world.
Your Underlying Needs
What do you need to feel
safe? What would make you calm in the
middle of stress? What would give you peace in your heart no matter how much
chaos was going on around you?
The feelings we are looking
for are: empowered, confident, involved, passionate, hopeful, respected,
listened to and being valued. These emotions do not co-exist with stress and
frustration but only with a sense of well-being and calm.
To Help You Handle Stress
S Stop
what you are doing
T Take a
deep breath
Reflect on who owns the problem
E Evaluate
if it is worth a heart attack
S See a
picture in your mind of calm sea,
Green mountains
, flowing
river, lilacs or clouds
S Say
out loud; “This too shall pass.”
An Invitation to a
Better Way
© My name is Judy H. Wright
aka Auntie Artichoke, a family relationship coach and author of over 20 books.
I give you permission to use this article in teaching or in your magazine,
either on or off line. Please keep the content and contact information
I invite you to go to http://www.ArtichokePress.com to join
our community of like minded people who want to work together to help children
to be respectful, responsible and kind.
If your family needs more
assistance than an article or book can give, I recommend the program at http://www.DisciplineYesPunishNo.com It can transform your family.